Anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays; songs on the radio and people holding hands; bare feet and bento boxes; comic books and computers; mountain views and Marble Slab; tech problems and toe socks; pizza and pigtails; road trips and radio announcers; foodies and kung fu movies; Garden of the Gods and the Appalachian Trail; Middle Earth and mid-century moderns; German Chocolate and Irish Wolfhounds; video games and novels; Kaiser Soze and classic cars; silly hats and sock puppets; anime and movies with explosions; Star Trek and Sunday brunch; Cowboy Mouth and cooking shows; inside jokes and internet memes; penguins and mouse ears; running without scissors and laughing with abandon; late night talks and lazy afternoons; empty bed and empty arms; the past; the future...
You are everywhere, so why can't I find you anywhere?
I love you Daniel.
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