Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Unending Circle
Daniel put this ring on my finger 14 years ago today. The one beside it, I placed on his.
On this day, sitting here without him, I tell myself that it's important - vital - that I focus on the day I gave him this ring and shove back the thoughts of the day I took it back off his finger before they took his body away from me.
We chose the claddagh design on our rings to represent our love. Each ring has two hands clasping a heart and a crown. The hands symbolize friendship- we married our best friend after all. The heart and crown stand for love and loyalty. All of this rests on the unending circle of a ring. I wear the rings on my left hand with the heart and crown pointing towards my own beating heart. That is where Daniel lives now.
These rings have seen a lot of amazing things as we built our love story moment by moment. They've been through thousands of comforting embraces, passionate caresses, frustrated gestures, tickle fights, hard work, and more than a few long nights of holding video game controllers or books. All the while, they were together. When we faced a difficult situation, one of us would click our ring against the other's like a superhero team power-up and say, "we've got this."
I wear both rings now, together still. I am the keeper of our love and the guardian of the memories from our love story. Like the circle of our rings have no ending, so too our love.
So today, like many days since Daniel left, I float between feeling like the luckiest woman to ever walk this planet and the saddest. I am so thankful that he put this ring on my finger. This unending circle reminds me every day how much he loved me. His absence is almost unbearable. I just have to keep in mind that even though he is gone from me for now, our love lives on. I must find the strength to live on in a way that honors that.
Someone recently shared this quote with me:
"Two things can be true simultaneously: You can be heartbroken and bereft, and you can be filled with gratitude for the amazing love that was in your life (and still is in your life, actually). Sorrow and joy exist side by side. Both are true and both are real. Wisdom is making space to hold two opposing truths at the same time."
It seems like I'm now in the unending circle of seeking this wisdom.
I love you Daniel. Thank you for choosing me as your bride.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
The Thing About Time and Space
My beloved,
It's hard to believe that it's been 18 months since I last saw your amazing smile. Some days it feels like just yesterday that we were laughing together and other days it feels like 100 years since I was last in your arms.
Tomorrow will be the year and a half mark since you left us. But I don't think about that day. I'd prefer to remember you as you were last your true self, making me giggle before climbing into our bed the night before.
People ask me if time has helped to heal the wounds from your loss. The honest answer is no. I still feel your absence as deeply and intensely today as I did on January 13, 2015. If I am still alive 50 years from now, the pain will not have dulled one bit. But, time has made things better in a surprising way.
Even though my soul still yearns for you each day and with each breath, I have found that I can now fit other things into my life as well. When you first left me, my world shrunk down to nothing but the pain of your absence and it took up all of the available space. While that hurt has not dulled at all, time has made it possible for me to stretch my world a bit and allow room for other things as well. The pain is not any less, but it is no longer the only thing that exists for me.
That doesn't mean that I'm moving on or that I am not still your girl. I am and always will be yours. It just means that I am fighting my way back to "your" Amy. I loved the me that I saw reflected in your eyes. The thing about time is that it's given me space to breathe and the perspective to find a way to start down the path back towards that girl you fell in love with.
Babe, I'm working so hard to make you proud until I am with you again. It's a strange dichotomy where I want nothing more than to join you and be together, yet I know that until it's my time I must live to the fullest for both of us. So until that day I am going to do my best every day to be your light.
I have a song that I play each morning while I am getting dressed to remind me that I can do this. I just need to make the most of this time until it's our time again. I won't lie. It's so damned hard to do this without you, and it's only your belief in me that enables me to make it through.
As the song says, "The only reason my heart beats is cause you showed it how. I'll find my way. You showed me how."
I love you Daniel.

Tomorrow will be the year and a half mark since you left us. But I don't think about that day. I'd prefer to remember you as you were last your true self, making me giggle before climbing into our bed the night before.
People ask me if time has helped to heal the wounds from your loss. The honest answer is no. I still feel your absence as deeply and intensely today as I did on January 13, 2015. If I am still alive 50 years from now, the pain will not have dulled one bit. But, time has made things better in a surprising way.
Even though my soul still yearns for you each day and with each breath, I have found that I can now fit other things into my life as well. When you first left me, my world shrunk down to nothing but the pain of your absence and it took up all of the available space. While that hurt has not dulled at all, time has made it possible for me to stretch my world a bit and allow room for other things as well. The pain is not any less, but it is no longer the only thing that exists for me.
That doesn't mean that I'm moving on or that I am not still your girl. I am and always will be yours. It just means that I am fighting my way back to "your" Amy. I loved the me that I saw reflected in your eyes. The thing about time is that it's given me space to breathe and the perspective to find a way to start down the path back towards that girl you fell in love with.
Babe, I'm working so hard to make you proud until I am with you again. It's a strange dichotomy where I want nothing more than to join you and be together, yet I know that until it's my time I must live to the fullest for both of us. So until that day I am going to do my best every day to be your light.
I have a song that I play each morning while I am getting dressed to remind me that I can do this. I just need to make the most of this time until it's our time again. I won't lie. It's so damned hard to do this without you, and it's only your belief in me that enables me to make it through.
As the song says, "The only reason my heart beats is cause you showed it how. I'll find my way. You showed me how."
I love you Daniel.
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